Item number: 4406
EAN: 4250497821329

Flachdach Montagesystem Gartenaufstellung 2 Solarpanel Modulbreite 680 Rahmenhöhe 30

Flachdach Montagegestell Gartenaufstellung 2 Module Modulbreite 680 Rahmenhöhe 30


Für Kunden aus Deutschland besteht die Möglichkeit, dieses PV-Produkt zum
Nullsteuersatz zu erwerben.


Nullsteuersatz Photovoltaikanlagen

113,85 €

including 0% VAT.

Available now! Shipping time: 2 - 3 workdays

Flat roof mounting for 3 modules mounted crosswise with a width of 1640 mm and a height of 40mm

For racked mounting the modules on a flat roof or on the ground.

The mounting frame has to be securely attached to the ground.
This might require to screw the frame onto proper concrete slabs or to weigh the frame down to protect it from wind.

The mounting frame gets shipped piece by piece and has to be set together on site.

Delivery includes: racking triangles, square tubes, module clamps and a set of screws

This product consists of
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